Knowing the ever-changing needs of the community management industry, Southern States Management Group (SSMG) created an industry specific option that empowers self-managed communities by providing onsite access to resources and tools that would typically require the hiring of a professional management company. This offering is called FASS –
Financial & Administrative Support Service.
Significant investments in technology have greatly contributed to SSMG’s ability to provide FASS to association members in an efficient, effective and time-saving manner. This value adding service is a vehicle that has proven to eliminate a number of the limitations boards and Community Association Managers deal with on a daily basis. This system is specific to community management and user-friendly for board members, residents and onsite managers alike.
With decades of experience handling all aspects of community management accounting, SSMG will provide dedicated accounting personnel who will handle a variety of monthly tasks that have been perfected over time and go through a vigorous quality control process.
– Manage day-to-day operations through a secured portal
– Cut down on phone calls & emails from vendors and residents
– Excellent for new board members to give them all documents with a few clicks of a button
– Accessible & user-friendly for residents
– Manage work orders in real time
– Decrease common burnout through time-saving operations
– Dedicated accounting personnel to answer questions and maintain quality control
– Accounting in real time
– Full general ledger
– No touch paperless system
– Auto-pay bills which increase accountability,
processing time & speeds up cash flow
– Request estoppels, payoffs & questionnaires associated with pending real estate transactions
– AR/AP Lockboxes
– Easily log on to view financials in real time
– Create permission driven sub-groups to manage &
maintain your community
– Digital archive of all paperwork associated with the community
– User-friendly to upload, view & print all meeting notes, bylaws, etc.
– Easily view work orders of association operations
– ACH debit at no cost to the resident
– Multiple property owners have option to view all accounts at once
– Residents can opt in/out of various features
– Real time access to governing documents
Board Members and Onsite Managers alike are raving about this new program. To learn more about this new service contact or 386-446-6333.